川村 悠人
比較論理学研究 : 広島大学比較論理学プロジェクト研究センター研究成果報告書 : the annals of the Research Project Center for the Comparative Study of Logic (ISSN:18806376)
no.14, pp.103-121, 2016

Kātyāyana's Vārttika begins with the following statement:vt. 1 (Paspaśā): siddhe śabdārthasambandhe lokato 'rthaprayukte śabdaprayoge śāstreṇa dharmaniyamo yathā laukikavaidikeṣu ||Let me cite here Cardona's lucid explanation of this statement and Patañjali's Bhāṣya thereon:It is given from every day communication in the world that there is an established relation between words and meanings; it is also given that the use of a word is prompted by a meaning in that one uses words in order to convey meanings. This being so, a restriction intended for merit (dharmaniyamaḥ) is established by the grammar. Kātyāyana says such a restriction has parallels in every day life and in practices based on Vedic lore. Two examples that Patañjali gives will suffice to illustrate. Smṛti texts provide that certain animals may be eaten and that others may not be eaten. It is forbidden, for example, to eat a domestic fowl or pig. Now, one consumes something in order to do away with hunger, and this can be done by eating anything, including dog meat. A restriction is set down, then: such and such may be eaten, such and such may not be eaten. In ritual practice, a sacrificial pole is used; an animal being offered is tied to this pole. The animal may be tied to any piece of wood, which one may set erect or not. A restriction is established, whereby the sacrificial pole is not only to be erected but is to be made of Bilva or Khadira wood . . . . Patañjali goes on to show how the same situation obtains with respect to language use. Both a correct speech form (śabdena) and an incorrect speech form (apaśabdena) serve to produce the same understanding of a meaning (samānāyām arthagatau). A restriction intended for merit is made in the grammar: The meaning in question should be conveyed only by a correct speech form, not by an incorrect one. And usage in conformity with this restriction produces felicity, prosperity. (Cardona 1997: paragraph 830)In vārttikā 9 of the Paspaśā: śāstrapūrvake prayoge 'bhyudayas tat tulyaṃ vedaśabdena, Kātyāyana sets forth that the use of correct speech forms, preceded by a knowledge of grammar (śāstrapūrvake prayoge), results in prosperity (abhyudaya). In his Bhāṣya on the vārttika Patañjali elaborates on this theme, comparing śāstrapūrvaka-prayoga to Vedic norms (MBh on vt. 9 [Paspaśā] [1.10.22–26]).In Kātyāyana's and Patañjali's discussions the following causal sequence is assumed:śāstrapūrvaka-prayoga → dharma is produced → abhyudaya (in heaven)They propose śāstrapūrvaka-prayoga in the everyday world as a means of gaining merit and, through this, as a means of achieving prosperity; they intend this means to serve as an alternative to ritual activities (tat tulyaṃ vedaśabdena). This idea is a close reflection of the linguistic situation of their time, in which Middle Indic vernacular forms are observed to be used. It goes without saying that in their views such forms are to be regarded as incorrect (asādhu).広島大学比較論理学プロジェクト研究センター研究成果報告書(2016年度)本稿はJSPS科研費15J06976の助成を受けたものである。
高橋 祥吾
比較論理学研究 : 広島大学比較論理学プロジェクト研究センター研究成果報告書 : the annals of the Research Project Center for the Comparative Study of Logic (ISSN:18806376)
no.13, pp.7-17, 2015

広島大学比較論理学プロジェクト研究センター研究成果報告書(2015年度)本発表は,平成27年度文部科学省科学研究費補助金(研究活動スタート支援)「アリストテレスの問答法の理論とその発展的解釈の研究」(研究課題番号:15H06815) の研究成果の一部である.
高橋 祥吾
比較論理学研究 : 広島大学比較論理学プロジェクト研究センター研究成果報告書 : the annals of the Research Project Center for the Comparative Study of Logic (ISSN:18806376)
no.15, pp.7-18, 2017

In this article, I aim to collect examples of φύσις in Aristotle's Organon and classify it, and examine what the meaning of this word has. Aristotle mainly uses the expression "by nature" (φύσει) or "naturally" (κατὰ φύσιν) in the Organon. Researching these expressions in many examples, the following have made clear.1. "Per se" and "by nature" (or "naturally") are used interchangeably.2. Aristotle often uses "physis" which means "essential feature".3. Some example of "physis" in the Organon corresponds to the explanation in his Physics and Metaphysics.4. In the Organon, "prior" and "simultaneous" are used from a view of cognition.In Physics, "physis" means "form" in a sense, so we can interpret it as follows. That is, "physis" shows the essence, and the features derived from "physis" also are essential. Therefore, we might conclude that "by nature" and "per se" can be used interchangeably because he uses the expression "per se" when a proposition shows that an essential feature or nature (essence) belongs to a subject.広島大学比較論理学プロジェクト研究センター研究成果報告書(2017年度)本稿は,文部科学省科学研究費補助金「アリストテレス倫理学の再定位を通した新たな自然主義的倫理学の構想」17H02257 の助成の成果の一部である.